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Seven Tips to Help Prevent Deer Strikes

Navigating Canadian highways comes with its own set of challenges.  At Hightail Hotshot we’ve seen one of the most prominent being the risk of animal strikes. The vast stretches of roads intersecting wildlife habitats make encounters between vehicles and animals a common occurrence.  It poses dangers to both drivers and the local fauna.

The impact of these collisions extends beyond vehicle damage; it poses severe risks to human safety and wildlife conservation efforts. Large animals like moose, deer, and bears often find themselves on collision courses with vehicles, resulting in fatalities, injuries, and significant property damage.

However, drivers can take proactive measures to mitigate these risks and contribute to reducing animal strikes.  Here are 7 Tips to Help Prevent Deer Strikes.

1. Stay Informed: Know the high-risk areas prone to animal crossings. Pay attention to warning signs indicating wildlife presence and adjust driving accordingly.

2. Adhere to Speed Limits: Speed limits aren't just arbitrary numbers; they're designed to keep drivers safe. Reducing speed in wildlife-prone areas increases reaction time, giving drivers a better chance to avoid collisions.

3. Stay Alert, Especially at Dusk and Dawn: Animals are more active during dawn and dusk. Be extra cautious during these times, as visibility decreases, making it harder to spot animals on or near the road.

4. Use High Beams Judiciously: Use high beams or high-power driving lights when appropriate but be mindful not to blind oncoming drivers. High beams can improve visibility and help spot animals from a distance.

5. Avoid Distractions: Stay focused on the road. Avoid distractions like phones or eating while driving, as split-second reactions can make a huge difference in avoiding collisions.

6. Brake, Don't Swerve: If an animal suddenly appears in front of your vehicle, brake firmly but avoid swerving. Swerving can lead to loss of control and potentially cause a more severe accident.

7. Honk to Alert Animals: If it's safe to do so and you notice animals near the road, honk your horn to try and scare them away from the path of your vehicle.

By being vigilant, informed, and mindful of wildlife presence on the roads, drivers can actively contribute to minimizing animal strikes on Canadian highways. This will ensure the safety of both them and the diverse wildlife that make this place their home.

For more information or if you want to speak with me, please give me a call at 1-604-728-3037 or email me at erik@hightailhotshot.com.