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Hightail Hotshot’s Tips for What’s in My Cooler?

Typically, Hotshotting takes you on the road overnight, or possibly for a couple of days. Also typical of hot shot work, we don’t have time to stop for a sit-down meal. We also don’t have time to yak with other drivers who are living in their trucks delivering goods across the continent on long-hauls.

Time sensitive hotshotting means we eat our meals behind the steering wheel. Fast service doesn’t have to mean fast food. So, what’s in my cooler?

At some point you will have to stop for a well-deserved meal, and you can make your healthy choices. A well planned and packed cooler will help you postpone stopping until after you make your delivery. Another advantage is when you get hungry at 2 am, and there’s no town in site, nor anyplace decent open to eat, other than the gas station, you will have something good to eat.

I pack packaged boiled eggs as it’s simpler for me. I also keep in stock individual cheese servings purchased in a bulk bag.

Pepperoni or jerky are other favourites, as it gives you something to chew on for a while. Sunflower seeds are fun too, well, until your tongue is destroyed, and you must vacuum the whole truck. ;)

Energy or granola bars are stashed in compartments in the truck, and in my cooler as well as my go bag.

Packs of sugar free gum are a must for me. Chewing helps you stay alert, and the side benefit is your breath as hotshotting doesn’t put you near too many sinks for teeth brushing.

For liquids, I always leave with lots of water. Sparkling water is a nice change from flat water and gives you the bite that a soda drink gives. A thermos of espresso is nice if you have time. Of course, a few sugar free energy drinks keep the miles rolling when you need the boost.

Try to eat healthy when your body isn’t burning calories in the driver’s seat. Once you deliver your hot shotting load, reward yourself with a nice big breakfast of chicken fried steak and sausage gravy!

Well, that’s what’s in my cooler bag when I go hotshotting.  So, if you like any of the ideas, and they make sense, place on a shelf, your go-bag, or a fridge shelf.  Leave with some foods you like that will help you stay on the road and out of the drive-thru.