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Hightail Hotshot’s Tips for Diving at Night – Yellow Lenses or Not?

If you hate driving at night, then you probably won’t enjoy hot shotting. By the nature of our hot shot service, we are typically asked to overnight vital freight to the end user. Also being based in the North, we have plenty of nighttime driving during the winter months.

When it comes to driving at night, safety and visibility are paramount. Many drivers look for ways to enhance their night vision, and one popular solution is the use of yellow-tinted lenses. These lenses are marketed to reduce glare from oncoming headlights and improve contrast in low-light conditions. But do they really help?

One of my hot shot drivers swears by the yellow lenses and has both glasses with yellow lenses as well as a flip down yellow visor for night driving.

Research on the effectiveness of yellow lenses for night driving has yielded mixed results.

  • Proponents argue that yellow lenses filter out blue light, which can be particularly glaring and distracting at night. By reducing blue light, these lenses purportedly enhance contrast, making it easier to see obstacles and road markings.
  • Scientific studies have shown that while yellow lenses might reduce glare, they do not necessarily improve night vision. In fact, the U.S. Federal Trade Commission has warned against the claims made by some manufacturers, stating that there is no evidence that yellow lenses improve nighttime visibility.

One of the critical issues with yellow-tinted lenses is that they reduce the overall amount of light reaching the eyes. While this can decrease glare, it also means that less light is available to see clearly in already low-light conditions. This reduction in light can make it harder to see, particularly in very dark environments where any loss of light can be detrimental. Drivers might perceive a subjective improvement because the lenses reduce the discomfort caused by glare, but this does not equate to better vision or improved safety.

Ultimately, the best approach to improving night driving safety may not lie in specialized lenses but in more practical measures.

  1. Ensuring that your vehicle's headlights are clean and properly aligned.
  2. Taking regular breaks to avoid fatigue.
  3. Minimizing interior car lighting can all contribute to better night vision.
  4. Regular eye check-ups are crucial to address any underlying vision issues that could affect nighttime driving.

While yellow lenses might offer some comfort, they are not a substitute for these fundamental safety practices.

For more great safety and hotshotting related tips, please call the experts at Hightail Hotshots.

Call 604-728-3037 or email erik@hightailhotshot.com.

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