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Hightail Hotshot’s 10 Tips to Help You Stay Alert While Driving

Occasionally hotshot delivery involves a few hours in-town driving, but your typical hotshotting involves many miles to and from delivery. To compound the challenge, most customers who book a hot shot service wait until the last minute, and we get dispatched later in the day after having been up all day.

Everyone has their own driving stamina; some are tired after 2-3 hours driving, and some can drive many miles safely with no fatigue. Some drivers love daytime driving, while others prefer night. So how does a hotshot operator stay alert and safe on the highway?

I love a hot Starbucks in the cup holder, but if you are on a two-thousand-mile rounder, you can only drink so much coffee. What goes in must come out. What about energy drinks? They sure pack a wallop when you need a few more miles under your belt. The downside to energy drinks is the sugar on your health, and the crash (not literal) a couple of hours later.

My best hot shot operator is about to retire after 60 years as a commercial driver. He has amazing old school driving stamina. When I get in the truck after him, the satellite radio is cranked to Classic Vinyl with some Led Zeppelin playing, and he forgot the windows halfway down.

Hotshotting tip 1 – Let them play.  Play some music that will energize and keep you entertained. 

Hotshotting Tip 2 – Keep it fresh.  Keep breathing fresh air to stay alert and safe on a road trip.

Hotshotting Tip 3 - Change your tune. If you get tired of music after a dozen hours, and have satellite radio, why not find a talk show or comedy channel? If you like talk, then another option is to download some podcasts before you leave.

Hotshotting Tip 4 - Take someone with you on long hauls. If travelling with others have some lively discussions or have them read something interesting.

What do I do personally when hotshotting to stay alert and safe?

After a million miles in the driver’s seat, I have found what works for me. I personally don’t get bored enough to even think about the radio for a few hundred miles. To my family’s horror, I have twice driven from Vancouver to Cabo San Lucas without playing any music LOL.

Hotshotting Tip 5 – Keep your mind occupied.  I download thriller audiobooks that have suspense and action. I can go through a couple of novels on one hot shot trip. I also listen to comedy on the satellite radio; however, you end up getting into repeats if you are on an extended hotshotting adventure.

Hotshotting Tip 6 – Keep it healthy. As for stimulants, I try to keep it as healthy as possible. Natural foods will keep you alert, but fast food will make you drowsy. Big meals will suck up energy digesting, but frequent light meals will maintain you blood sugar levels, and help you stay alert.

Hotshotting Tip 7 – Mix up your drinking options. Five-hour energy shots are great too if you get the sugar free ones. They give you a perk, but no calories. Sugar free energy drinks are also a great option when you get tired of coffee.

Hotshotting Tip 8 – Give me a break. Sometimes the best option is getting out of the vehicle and moving around.  Find a safe parking spot, and taking a safety brake, like the hotshotting pros.

Hotshotting Tip 9 – Stay alert & stay alive. That’s the bottom line when driving long distance. Commercial drivers also care about the lives of the others sharing the road, so selfishly driving beyond your abilities puts innocent other lives at risk.

Hotshotting Tip 10 – Plan ahead. Whatever works for you on your road trip, do it to be safe and alert, but remember it takes planning ahead of time. You know in advance that you’ll be heading out and sometime, so have a plan & be prepared.  Plan your meals, sleep, and entertainment ahead of time. If you are a hot shot operator you know you don’t get much notice. That’s why it’s great to be like the fireman, who has a go-bag, a plan, a cooler, and entertainment prepped and loaded ready to go.

Let’s be prepared to enjoy our next long haul safely and stay alert like a hotshotting professional. For more helpful tips on hotshotting, please reach out to Erik today at erik@hightailhotshot.com.